Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

Cycle Foiling

Created by jackforbes > 9 months ago, 3 Sep 2018
WA, 530 posts
3 Sep 2018 9:06AM
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Its been posted elsewhere but not sure if it made it to this forum, lycra + foiling at last!

209 posts
3 Sep 2018 9:35AM
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I have had a go at this, the inventor lives about an hour north and sometimes comes down to our lakes. It took us about three goes to launch off a jetty. Pretty intuitive once you are foiling. You can go pretty fast, it has an e-bike motor. Trying to lean it over like a bike on a berm does not work. Water-starting is tricky. I was impressed with how they kept the electrics water-tight.

NSW, 483 posts
3 Sep 2018 11:44AM
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this is the logical next step for the cycling/golf turn kitesurfer crew


Forums > Kitesurfing Foiling

"Cycle Foiling" started by jackforbes